High-end audio power line conditioners are advanced devices designed to enhance the quality of electrical power supplied to audio equipment. When you think about it, your power is what becomes your music. For that reason, you want to keep the power going to your system as clean as possible.
All audio power conditioners feature some form of power filtration to remove noise or distortion that comes from other sources within the home or straight from the grid. From the grid, you ask? Yes, a lot of noise comes down the power line into your home from neighboring households or from nearby transformers or industry. That’s why audiophile often report their system sounds best at night when those outside noise sources like motors and circuits are switched off and nearby transformers are at idle.
The best power conditioners we offer feature multiple levels and types of power line filtration while at the same time minimizing their own noise. For your system to sound its best, you should spend as much as you can reasonably afford or give us a call to discuss your best option.